What about the Public Library?


Does anybody visit public libraries anymore? They were important to me all through my childhood, and into the 90s, but I haven't visited one in years. When I moved back to New York, I did get a library card, but it was only because I was downtown and it was extremely cold out, and I wanted to surf the internet a little between job interviews.

I spent a lot of time in academia, and recognize the continued value of that type of library. But what about the public version; what do people use them for nowadays? Do parents still encourage children to read physical books?

Physical books are important to me, but I often buy them. Otherwise, I download PDFs or Kindle versions. A local public library is not going to have many of the titles I am interested in.

When was the last time you were at a public library?

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
lol I suspected something like that!
It's a very interesting job! One of my ordering sections is UFOs --I also have the magic and occult sections, history -(everything but American history), art history books, and art technique books. When I started as a librarian, we had just gotten rid of the card catalog --and had two computers with internet access --with Netscape on them! Those were the days!


As Above So Below
I have a library card for the local small town library, although I haven't visited it since 2015...In the last I've often visited a library in whatever town or countryside I may be residing at the time, often bringing my own books to read in a different atmosphere than home or to do a bit of writing...I used to write much on the topics of the spiritual and philosophical, probably written enough to publish a thick book but these days not so much...I still have all my notes and writings tucked away in all the books I've purchased and read over the years...

I often find myself returning to the public library. In a world dominated by screens, the library remains a sanctuary of quiet focus, offering not just books but a refuge for genuine, uninterrupted learning. Exploring apps for students to study, Is where apps meet authenticity in a hushed symphony of knowledge.
Explore legal resources at the public library with insights from a dedicated law assignment service. Enhance your understanding of legal concepts through available materials, complementing your academic endeavors. Trust in the support of law assignment services for a well-rounded approach to legal research, even beyond the classroom.
I just spent some time exploring the Public Library, and I thought it was a great resource. It's not just books either—the variety of resources available is amazing. Speaking of resources, I found some interesting master essay writers reviews that highlighted various viewpoints on literary works. A great resource for anyone looking for different perspectives on writing!

The shadow

The shadow knows!
I just spent some time exploring the Public Library, and I thought it was a great resource. It's not just books either—the variety of resources available is amazing. Speaking of resources, I found some interesting master essay writers reviews that highlighted various viewpoints on literary works. A great resource for anyone looking for different perspectives on writing!
Welcome to AE
I had no idea how cool it is to pay for my assignment and how easy it is to do until I practiced it!It's a go-to tool (lifesaver) when lots of tasks at the same period of time need to be managed. However, the Public Library remains the magnet of knowledge and serves as the invaluable source of all sorts of useful information for anyone who needs it.
Explore legal resources at the public library with insights from a dedicated law assignment service. Enhance your understanding of legal concepts through available materials, complementing your academic endeavors. Trust in the support of Law Assignment help for a well-rounded approach to legal research, even beyond the classroom. This combined approach ensures comprehensive learning and success in your legal studies.

J Randall Murphy

Trying To Stay Awake
My local library is right next to my grocery store, and I drop in there several times a week to check-out the videos, audio-books, and daily papers. Here in Calgary it's free, and it also gets you access to some online content. Unfortunately one thing they discontinued is access to the full Online Oxford English Dictionary ( ironic that is ).


tall, thin, irritable
I was recently at my local library and then Thrall over in Middletown, NY and enjoyed them both quite a bit. Twenty years ago I was a frequent visitor but unfortunately the availability of media of all types has changed and I just have few reasons to go.

Why those bots are here I dunno but this crowd is a tad past worrying about writing papers.


As Above So Below
Why those bots are here I dunno but this crowd is a tad past worrying about writing papers.
Seems sporadically one or two of these algorithm bots gets through and they're getting better at registering as if they are human...


J Randall Murphy

Trying To Stay Awake
Seems sporadically one or two of these algorithm bots gets through and they're getting better at registering as if they are human...

Some of the bots are registered by humans who then turn control over to the bots. Whistle blowers have reported entire facilities set up just for that purpose both inside and outside the West. China and India have millions of real people, The information war is very real. For the most part, they just don't care that much about a small time operation like this one.
Public libraries have always been a cornerstone of education, providing free access to a vast array of resources. However, with the advent of digital learning and specialized online services, students now have more options than ever. While public libraries are invaluable for their extensive collections and quiet study spaces, there are times when students may need more targeted assistance.

For instance, when it comes to challenging subjects like economics, students often require specialized support. This is where services like MyAssignmentHelp UK come into play. They offer tailored economics assignment help that can complement the resources available at public libraries.

Libraries are fantastic for general research and finding a variety of sources, but they may not provide the personalized guidance that an online tutor can offer. With MyAssignmentHelp UK, students can receive one-on-one assistance from experts who can explain complex economic theories, help with data analysis, and guide them through difficult assignments.