I have had that stomach op that chops your capacity permanent from over 1 liter to about 300 milliliters.
So I live on slow cooked casseroles.
Big bag of Mixed Veggies, Peas, corn, etc
2 small bags of spices,
4 Carrots chopped into slices.
Heaps of spinach or similar chopped fine.
2 large tins of Cream of chicken soup
6 large potatoes dices and sliced.
Big handful of favorite shredded cheese.
A cup of bread crumbs.
2 table spoons of curry powder
2 or more giant table spoons of garlic mashed up.
2 Packs of Pork or Chicken Sausages (16) (I don't eat cows)
Half freeze them then chop em into slices.
A couple of packs of chicken breasts chucked in, they fall apart after cooking.
Pretty much anything I can find.
Stick it in the slow cooker for 3 hours, then when cooked and cooled
I get about 14 sandwich bags of meals out of it.
I meal per day.
$ hours prep to bag,
2 weeks meals.
As for drinks,
Sadly, Jack daniels