Latest on the Pentagons UAP revelations.


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'Our planet is not unique!' UFO experts admit alien 'motherships' could be flying through our solar system with the ability to launch their own smaller probes to visit planets they pass - including Earth

The head of the government's UFO office says alien 'motherships' could be flying through our solar system and sending probes to Earth in a new science paper.

The draft paper, published last week has learned, has also sparked a row with the UFO chief's predecessor over the physics of strange craft seen in our skies.

The six-page article, titled 'Physical Constraints on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena', was co-written by Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the director of the Pentagon's UFO unit called the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), and former Harvard Astronomy Department Chair, Professor Avi Loeb.

Loeb is also the founder of the Galileo Project, which aims to use high-resolution telescopes and artificial intelligence algorithms to spot and photograph UFOs around Earth.

He gained national attention for his theory that an interstellar comet that passed through our solar system in 2017, dubbed 'Oumuamua, could in fact be an alien probe, and has written books on the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

His new paper with Kirkpatrick was published on Loeb's website on March 1.

In the article, the scientist and the top intelligence official hypothesized that aliens may have long ago sent a 'mothership' craft across the galaxy, with the ability to launch its own smaller probes to visit interesting planets it passes – including Earth.

An artificial interstellar object could potentially be a parent craft that releases many small probes during its close passage to Earth, an operational construct not too dissimilar from NASA missions,' Loeb and Kirkpatrick wrote.

They wrote that current sky-scanning telescopes such as the James Webb Space Telescope would miss such small objects, whereas 'our deep space radars and space fence' could pick up meter-long incoming UFOs up to 36,000 km in the air – and we therefore should keep an eye out for them.

(More on the link)



As Above So Below

Ex UFO chiefs claim their Pentagon bosses misled Congress by claiming a swarm of mysterious objects that buzzed around Navy ships in 2019 were mere drones - not a national security threat

The inside story of a 2019 UFO investigation by two top former intelligence officials was revealed in a jaw-dropping talk at a conference in Los Angeles.

The former head of the government's UFO task force Jay Stratton and his chief scientist Travis Taylor spilled the secrets of their official probe into a swarm of objects that buzzed around a fleet of eight Navy ships off the US West Coast in July 2019.

Speaking at AlienCon in Pasadena on March 5, Stratton and Taylor said their investigation left them fearing Russia or China could have achieved incredible drone battery technology – or may have launched quadcopters from submarines that somehow evaded the Navy's best radar just miles from the mainland.

But when the incident was recounted by their high-ranking Pentagon bosses to politicians and the public last year, it was presented as a very different story.

The world was watching with excitement on May 17, 2022 as military top brass briefed lawmakers in the first public Congressional hearing on UFOs in over 50 years.

Sitting in their break room 600 miles away in Huntsville, Alabama, the recently-retired Stratton and Taylor were dismayed at what unfolded next on their TV screen.

They saw their former bosses, Scott Bray, Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence, and Ronald Moultrie, the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, testifying to the House Intelligence Committee.

Bray played lawmakers a July 2019 video shot through a green night vision lens, of apparently triangle-shaped, flashing flying objects near the Navy's USS Russell off the US West Coast.

The top Navy official then suggested that the case had been solved: the objects were drones, and their triangular shape was not real but merely an effect of the camera lens.

The footage was all too familiar to Stratton. He says he and Taylor had investigated that case, and used frames from video shot by sailors on deck in a 2020 briefing he compiled for senior officials – as an example of a genuine UFO case that created a national security issue.

But now he was seeing it explained away to lawmakers on national TV as potentially standard drones, albeit with a spooky lens artifact.

The Pentagon did not immediately respond to's request for comment.

Taylor said he and Stratton were sitting in the lunchroom at their new employees, Radiance Technologies watching the hearing.

'And when they start talking about the Russell incident, I was like ''We did not brief him that way. That is not what we told him.''

'It really, really did upset both Travis and me when we were watching that hearing,' Stratton added.

'I would not have gone and briefed Congress that I believe these triangular shaped objects to be real … without my ducks in a row and the ability to answer any question thrown at me.'

The two men revealed the inside story of their 2019 Russell UFO investigation at a talk at AlienCon, a UFO conference near Los Angeles where they were guest speakers.

Whether or not the objects in the night vision videos were extraordinary, the sight of two former senior officials spilling the secrets on their government investigations at a civilian UFO event certainly was.

Stratton told the audience at the Pasadena Convention Center that when they first got reports of the July 15 2019 Russell incident off the coast of San Diego, they leapt into action.

'I got an email from the carrier strike group commander saying, 'Jay, we've got some UAP',' he told the crowd, referring to the government lingo 'Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena'.

'I had a guy on board his carrier within a day, in order to start educating, start collecting data, start getting the folks talking, going to each ship in a helicopter, and bringing everything back to DC immediately.'

They claim that far from a simple case of a misidentified drone, it was a shocking event involving multiple US ships 'swarmed' by around 100 objects – some truly 'triangle shaped' – that flew for such long distances and times that they feared America's adversaries had cracked breakthrough battery technology.

The incidents went on for hours, and were repeated throughout the month.

Stratton, a former senior Navy intelligence official with the equivalent rank of a two-star Admiral, said he had a high enough security clearance to determine that the objects were not US-operated.

'We had a much bigger picture. When we were briefing the seniors, the briefing was very detailed and highly footnoted,' he said.

'I had access to other things. The Carrier Strike Group [Navy ships] has a multitude of sensors.

'I had two other optical PhDs at other organizations look at this without even knowing the others looking at it, to keep it completely separate.'

Stratton added that Moultrie and Bray 'just weren't briefed and prepared to the level that I would have prepared them.'

'It seemed odd,' mused Taylor, the more bombastic of the pair, who speaks with a southern twang. 'It felt like we'd been practicing all year, got to the playoffs, and lost 42-0. It was real weird and a kick in the gut.'

Taylor is a double-PhD physicist who was seconded to his role in the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) from the Army in 2019.

(More on the link)



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Harvard astronomer believes meteorite that exploded over the south Pacific in 2014 was an ALIEN PROBE - and he's launching a $1.5 million mission to prove it

A Harvard physicist has launched a $1.5 million mission to prove that a meteorite that exploded over the Pacific Ocean in 2014 was an alien probe.

Avi Loeb spent years working closely with the US military to pin down the impact zone near Papua New Guinea and is now ready to embark on an expedition to uncover the fragments left behind.

Loeb said a boat and 'dream team' are secured for the venture, along with 'complete design and manufacturing plans for the required sled, magnets, collection nets and mass spectrometer,' he shared in a Medium post.

Speaking to the Daily Beast, Loeb said he plans to scour the ocean floor for two weeks using sand sifters, some with magnets, which should catch what he believes are pieces of alien technology.

The US Space Command confirmed in April 2022 that the 1.5-foot-wide meteorite came from another solar system, making it the first known interstellar visitor to Earth.

And this, according to Loeb, provides more evidence to back up his theory.

Loeb has made a name for himself for openly believing that aliens have made contact with Earth.

In 2021, the physicist released a book titled 'Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth,' that argued that Oumuamu is not a comet or asteroid but a light sail – a method of spacecraft propulsion.

Oumuamua was discovered in October 2017 by a telescope in Hawaii, millions of miles away.

Loeb has been planning the trip to Papua New Guinea since he first learned about the asteroid in 2019.

Four years prior, the interstellar meteor was spotted just north of Manus Island, off the coast of Papua New Guinea, on January 8, 2014.

According to NASA, the meteor lit up skies near Manus Island, Papua New Guinea, on January 8, 2014, while traveling at more than 100,000 miles per hour

(More on the link)



tall, thin, irritable
this is what Bruce Fenton has been ON about .... finding remnants of artificially created structures that have come to Earth in antiquity. He takes it further and I don't know how far down that path I'd be interested to go but at least he's not regurgitating the same crapola we've heard for years.


I’ve been thinking about these objects that have been playing tag with with Navy ships and planes. Might they be advanced craft that even the so called echelons don’t even know about. I remember back to the one top officer in the military who was told he didn’t have clearance to know about certain ufo information.

Any secret advanced craft is probably known to a mere handful of people. A Navy ship commander or pilot might not be privy to. I also don’t hold any weight to when someone says “we don’t have anything like that.” Would this person really know about craft that can make sharp turns or fly at extreme speeds?

We really don’t know what alien craft might have been experimented on. There are plenty of reports of craft retrieval teams mapping off areas where secret aircraft have crashed.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
I’ve been thinking about these objects that have been playing tag with with Navy ships and planes. Might they be advanced craft that even the so called echelons don’t even know about. I remember back to the one top officer in the military who was told he didn’t have clearance to know about certain ufo information.

Any secret advanced craft is probably known to a mere handful of people. A Navy ship commander or pilot might not be privy to. I also don’t hold any weight to when someone says “we don’t have anything like that.” Would this person really know about craft that can make sharp turns or fly at extreme speeds?

We really don’t know what alien craft might have been experimented on. There are plenty of reports of craft retrieval teams mapping off areas where secret aircraft have crashed.
That might be the case with some sightings, but in the '40s and '50s the military was actively trying to shoot one of the objects down and tried repeatedly to intercept them after events like the Washington Merry-go-round, etc. At any point the military could have just stated that they are a top secret US technology and left it at that; this would have intimidated our enemies and allowed us to continue on, but that didn't happen. Even folks like Roscoe Hillenkoetter new that UFOs were real and not ours, way back in the '60s. Why spy on our own military assets, risk collisions with civilian aircraft, chase civilians, show up on every continent risking an international incident, if you are trying to keep some craft secret? We didn't have technology like that back in the '40s and '50s and don't now. Why would we be developing silly jets and hypewrsonic missiles if we have a revolutionary technology like that? And now with NASA and Congress looking into it --wouldn't they just get a call saying "drop it" "they are ours" "just say it they are top secret and we can't talk about them"?
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tall, thin, irritable
In days past the Air Force and it's pilots were greatly amused by being mistaken for a UFO i.e. an airline pilot reporting an object that's flying much too high and fast. We know what it is now but a commercial pilot of that era - very, very likely a veteran of some sort who has has some basis of professional experience - most definitely doesn't and whatever he is seeing is disturbing his notion of what's normal. Skyhook balloons and SR71s and so forth were not common knowledge at the time and an experienced pilot like Thomas Mantell most likely killed himself chasing something terrestrial.

The objects around Navy ships in test areas are concerning but are behaving exactly as previously secret programs have in the past. The same calculus applies: not all of them are secret programs but some undoubtedly are. How do you pick the corn out of the *** ?


As Above So Below

Pentagon REFUSES to release footage of three UFOs shot down over Alaska by US fighter jets sidewinder missiles - despite admitting that images of the wreckage exist

The Pentagon has admitted to that it has images or video of 'UFOs' shot down over North America – but says they're still classified.

A Defense Department spokesman said they have footage of the three unidentified objects shot out the sky by US fighter jets using sidewinder missiles last month.

But the videos are classified and there are no plans to change that, the spokesman said.

'I can tell you that there is not currently any images or video footage that we can release,' the Pentagon press officer told

'The imagery remains classified, and I have not received any information as to the potential timeline on a change in classification.'

The refusal to hand over the images is in stark contrast to the speedy release of a photo taken by an Air Force pilot of an alleged Chinese spy balloon shot down off the East coast at the same time as the 'UFOs'.

The Pentagon was also quick to release a video of a Russian jet colliding with a US drone flying over the Black Sea last on March 14.

(More on the link)


Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Damn, only 2 pages out of 20 that wasn't denied, and those 2 pages don't say much...

The thing is, the Sentient operations document refers to the possible Tic Tac object as a(n) UAP: "Detection of Possible UAP..." and it is likened to the previously reported "tic tac shape", and it is likely NOT a "sensor artifact or focal plane anomaly".. So, this seems to put the Tic Tac objects in the UAP category, as "Sentient" would have likely known about secret Tic Tac objects both domestic and adversarial, and wouldn't compare them to the newly detected Tic Tac UAP if that was the case. So skeptics are (of course) wrong, when they suggest the nonsense that Fravor and others were mistaking a distant plane for the Tic Tac object, which was obviously under intelligent control. So we are left with the strong suggestion that Tic Tac objects are not made by people, are an anomalous aerial phenomenon, and are under intelligent control --which really means something amazing, as we know. Having seen a Tic Tac / capsule shaped object myself, none of this surprises me!! :cool:
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Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Here is the FBI "butane tank" memo from 1964, from the Black Vault. Interestingly there were indentations on the ground from the object, which does remind me of the projections on the bottom of the Tic Tac described by the Fravor and the other witnesses:
