Latest on the Pentagons UAP revelations.


As Above So Below

Six whistleblowers who claim they worked on military UFO programs retrieving and analyzing crash material have come forward to spill their secrets to senior members of congress


In an exclusive interview with, Daniel Sheehan said he is in contact with at least six former government officials or military contractors who say they worked on just such a program.

Sheehan represents Lue Elizondo, who ran a previous incarnation of the UFO office called AATIP until 2017. The attorney is also launching a watchdog charity pushing for greater government transparency on UFOs.

Sheehan said that some of these half-dozen whistleblowers briefed the staff of Senate committees dealing with military intelligence even before the NDAA passed, and may have even been the inspiration for Senators to include the 'reverse engineering' language.

'There are half a dozen of them that have already gone and talked to them,' he said. 'The Senate staff people were reaching out to some others.'

Sheehan says witnesses who allegedly know about Roswell-style programs, including a former Defense Intelligence Agency director, have been referred for interviews with the Pentagon's UFO office, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).

A top Stanford scientist says he is also in touch with whistleblowers.

Immunologist and Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Garry Nolan was commissioned by the CIA to investigate cases of the mysterious Havana Syndrome inflicting embassy officials worldwide, and has conducted experiments analyzing material allegedly jettisoned in UFO flyovers.

He claims to be in contact with several former staffers of extraordinary UFO 'reverse engineering' programs.

'I have good reason to trust a number of individuals who were actually part of the reverse engineering, or very close to the reverse engineering programs, or who have testified to the fact, recently,' he said in a podcast interview earlier this year.

(More on the link)



As Above So Below

Did ALIENS abduct a US Air Force pilot over the North Sea? Serviceman took off from RAF base in 1970 and disappeared 12 minutes later - but when his plane was found the cockpit canopy was closed and there was no body


In the final extract from his gripping book about the chequered history of the ejection seat, John Nichol — who was taken prisoner by Saddam Hussein's troops after his Tornado jet was shot down over Iraq during the first Gulf War — tells the intriguing story of an American pilot who disappeared without trace over the North Sea.


At 9.42, just 12 minutes after he had blasted off from RAF Binbrook, he got another set of instructions. 'If target aircraft approaches within three miles of the UK coastline, it is to be directed to land at Waddington [another RAF base in Lincolnshire].'

There was no response.

What was also worrying was that the controller could no longer see Schaffner on his radar screen and was growing increasingly frantic. A succession of urgent radio calls rang out. 'Charlie 45, Charlie 45, this is Patrington, do you read? Over.'

Only the hiss and crackle of static filled the radio. Schaffner and his Lightning fighter had disappeared.

(More on the link)


Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
In May 2021, the U.S. Department of Defense’s Office of the Inspector General (DoD/OIG) announced an evaluation into the Department’s actions concerning Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), otherwise known as UFOs. This announcement sparked significant interest among researchers, enthusiasts, and skeptics alike, all eager to understand the U.S. government’s handling of these mysterious phenomena. As of 2023, the investigation remains ongoing, according to a recent statement received by The Black Vault


As Above So Below

Black 'half-football-field-sized' triangular UFO is seen hovering over California military base for 10 minutes before vanishing in dramatic footage taken by Marines in 2021

A black triangular shaped UFO with five red lights was seen hovering in the night sky at Camp Wilson in California on April 20, 2021. At least 50 Marines saw the phenomenon and recorded the craft hanging in the sky for about 10 minutes before it vanished without a trace. 'This was something none of us had ever seen before,' one Marine said, adding that dozens of trucks and multiple helicopters rushed to that area of the base.

(More on the link)


Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
Just for what it is worth, but in x2 videos that I recently watched retired CIA officers said that UFO disclosure is imminent in next few months. Political climate around UFOs certainly changed.

I would say politicians are doing that to prevent war with China. Like Reagan-Gorbachev's thing.

Creepy Green Light

Don't mistake lack of talent for genius
I'm reading about cold war submarine espionage and see a lot stuff that looks very familiar. Gotta let it all slow cook a while though
I'm not sure if you are reading factual books/articles of works of fiction. But either way there is a channel on YouTube called "Sub Brief" in which the guy posts some pretty good, technical videos (I believe he retired from the U.S. Navy as a submariner) that may be of interest to you. As far as fiction goes of course there is The Hunt For Red October (I bought the video game for my C-64 as a kid and it came with the paperback version) and also Red Storm Rising (also by Tom Clancy). Another great techno-thriller that I bought while I was in the Navy and it's titled The Thunder Of Erebus. As soon as I saw a Soviet Delta class submarine on the surface headed towards a volcano - I was in.




As Above So Below

Aliens 'have been on Earth a long time'

A Stanford University pathology professor said, "Aliens have been on Earth for a long time and are still here," and claims there are experts working on reverse engineering unknown crashed crafts.

Dr. Garry Nolan made the bold statements during last week's SALT iConnections conference in Manhattan during a session called, "The Pentagon, Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Crashed UFOs."

The host, Alex Klokus, said that's tough to believe and asked him to assign a probability to that statement that extraterrestrial life visited Earth.

"100 percent," Nolan responded.

"I think it's an advanced form of intelligence that using some kind of intermediaries," Nolan said. "It's not that they walk among us wearing a skin suit. You're going to put something there that I think of as an intelligence test."

He said it’s like the South American native tribes when they first saw the Spanish ships. They didn’t know what they were seeing but it was out of the ordinary.

(More on the link)




As Above So Below



tall, thin, irritable
This may be better in the Podcast Recommendations thread but I thought it served a purpose in this one. I don't expect anyone to immediately consume 3+ hours of history just to make a point, but it this three part podcast absolutely set the world stage post-WW2 and into the Cold War. It did so in an understandable, conversational manner - had it on in the background while I was working.

If someone a hundred years from now decided they wanted to research what Woke was or some topic current right now, do you really think they could cleanly excise that one topic from the muddy **** soup which is 'the world stage' today? If you did do you think your examination of it would be thorough or would it be necessarily limited in some way? My guess is the latter, you have to have some focus or the topic's too broad - but too much focus means you're peering in the wrong end of the telescope and aren't getting the full picture.

I think that's a fair statement to make of ufology. I've heard many casual references to topics from the '40s onward about Foo Fighters, Roswell, you name it. For example, IMO there have been far too many references to the 509th Composite Bomb Group as being 'the only nuclear strike wing in the world at the time' and that somehow it's proximity to Roswell was significant. But, if pressed - how many could utter one single fact about the 509th or what it was doing? I thought so. This podcast series does not get into that level of detail nor are UFOs even mentioned, but it does a beautiful job of setting the context and describing the mindset of key players of that era. I came away with something like 'Jesus no wonder they were so tight lipped about it' If any of the old accounts are true an alien spacecraft that couldn't readily be exploited was just one more damned thing to deal with while hoping not to wipe each other out.


Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Dean, by way of John:

J Randall Murphy

Trying To Stay Awake
Dean, by way of John:
Hmm — after reading this part . . .

"The military commands are to “enable deployment of special sensors within the AoR [area of responsibility]for the detection, observation, and identification in sensitive areas, and during testing or deployment of special capabilities.”

. . . it made me wonder how much the subject of "UAP" is being used to secure funding for increased surveillance? It seems to me that the phenomenon has been used as a smoke screen for various secret projects e.g. U2, SR-71, Skyhook, and most probably the B2, F-117, and various other aerospace operations. But I also wonder to what extent it might also be used to surveil citizens — particularly those interested in ufology? We know that UFO interest groups were cataloged by the FBI back in the 1960s. Should we assume that now the PTB is no longer interested?

Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
Hmm — after reading this part . . .

"The military commands are to “enable deployment of special sensors within the AoR [area of responsibility]for the detection, observation, and identification in sensitive areas, and during testing or deployment of special capabilities.”

. . . it made me wonder how much the subject of "UAP" is being used to secure funding for increased surveillance? It seems to me that the phenomenon has been used as a smoke screen for various secret projects e.g. U2, SR-71, Skyhook, and most probably the B2, F-117, and various other aerospace operations. But I also wonder to what extent it might also be used to surveil citizens — particularly those interested in ufology? We know that UFO interest groups were cataloged by the FBI back in the 1960s. Should we assume that now the PTB is no longer interested?

There is a strong pattern across many different countries where military-industrial complex creates an insulated economy inside national economy, under pretext of national self reliance in security matters.

Obvious examples are US and Russia, but this happens in smaller countries as well, like: Myanmar and Egypt. Myanmar is particularly bad example, because army practically took over everything that is worth something in the rest of the national economy and in this way has complete grip on the whole country.

J Randall Murphy

Trying To Stay Awake
There is a strong pattern across many different countries where military-industrial complex creates an insulated economy inside national economy, under pretext of national self reliance in security matters.

Obvious examples are US and Russia, but this happens in smaller countries as well, like: Myanmar and Egypt. Myanmar is particularly bad example, because army practically took over everything that is worth something in the rest of the national economy and in this way has complete grip on the whole country.

Yes — and It even seems that sometimes their AoR ( Area of Responsibility ) can include people's private residences, including their bedrooms ( lol ). Finally when everyone is chipped — it will also include their brain !

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Hmm — after reading this part . . .

"The military commands are to “enable deployment of special sensors within the AoR [area of responsibility]for the detection, observation, and identification in sensitive areas, and during testing or deployment of special capabilities.”

. . . it made me wonder how much the subject of "UAP" is being used to secure funding for increased surveillance? It seems to me that the phenomenon has been used as a smoke screen for various secret projects e.g. U2, SR-71, Skyhook, and most probably the B2, F-117, and various other aerospace operations. But I also wonder to what extent it might also be used to surveil citizens — particularly those interested in ufology? We know that UFO interest groups were cataloged by the FBI back in the 1960s. Should we assume that now the PTB is no longer interested?
I think that initially there was fear that the UFO phenomenon would cause some sort of panic, or be used by adversaries to flood our missile detection systems; folks were threatened, sometimes by MIBS (CIA folks). Then it was realized that sheeple just don't care about the phenomenon like they used to; they have become desensitized by all of the BS and smokescreens from the government and others over the years. Today, unless UFOs interfere with your Amazon Prime delivery, or interrupt your game of Halo, you probably don't care, so no need to threaten folks etc. Just spoon feed more blurry footage of drones to hardcore skeptics, until folks fall into a stupor and throw their hands up in the air.