Latest on the Pentagons UAP revelations.

Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
I am very familiar with the history of all this and that’s not what I am talking about. What I am saying is that many recent UAPs have a definite predilection for US tech in training areas, and little outside those I am aware of. Absolutely there is secret military tech involved. Makes me wonder what information Grusch was given. Are UAPs appearing in war zones or foreign military training areas?

Not interested in scuttlebutt or making statements that can’t be substantiated. I am asking serious ufo researchers why not ? Any cases of that sort of thing in the last 20 years?

I would argue that that's just reporting bias, because every nation is wrapped up into its own news media.

I'm pretty sure nobody in this forum follows Mexican TV, that is just across the border, but apparently in Mexico they have UFO show at a prime time every Friday. In Mexico, and the rest of South America they are absolutely crazy about UFOs and see a lot of them, back then and now.


tall, thin, irritable
Would it be believed in this time when even an AI can make a convincing looking videos?
True. In all this for me it's cases like Pascagoula, Father Gill, maybe Ronnie Zamora that are interesting. Like hoping one day a trucker will pull in to a rest stop with a Sasquatch plastered to the front of their Kenworth, maybe one day there would be a big enough public UFO event to be ignored, something incontrovertible.

J Randall Murphy

Trying To Stay Awake
And there is evidence that people who should have known about these technologies when they were perhaps being developed, were also worried and didn't know what UFOs were. Seems to still be the case today.
In some cases that's probably true. However we also need to remember how compartmentalized such projects are. The whole point of that is to prevent people who "should have known" from actually knowing exactly what they're working on.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
In some cases that's probably true. However we also need to remember how compartmentalized such projects are. The whole point of that is to prevent people who "should have known" from actually knowing exactly what they're working on.
True, but Truman apparently didn't know, neither did Roscoe Hillenkoeter, or Nathan Twining. And back in the day they were desperately trying to shoot one down.


As Above So Below
So are walls of text, run-on sentences, and paragraphs that should have been broken into several parts ( but aren't ).
Yeah that is irritating because it's so difficult to read...



tall, thin, irritable
I know I am not the best writer but in all the thousands of posts I have made here no one has made any comment about it whatsoever with two exceptions.

One was TRM and he was just a condescending a*****e with a burning need to prove he's the smartest man in the room. He may well have been but was missing the obvious - start believing your own bullshit and there's a problem.

The other is you Randall.

J Randall Murphy

Trying To Stay Awake
I know I am not the best writer but in all the thousands of posts I have made here no one has made any comment about it whatsoever with two exceptions.

One was TRM and he was just a condescending a*****e with a burning need to prove he's the smartest man in the room. He may well have been but was missing the obvious - start believing your own bullshit and there's a problem.

The other is you Randall.
I've actually made no specific mention of your posts being irritating in any way. I have however commented on them being ones I like to check out, and that it was nice to cross paths with you again here on AE. I'm sure that if you go back and review, you'll find this to be true — even when we have disagreed on an issue e.g. the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. As profoundly hard line as I think it is, my response was as fair minded as could be expected.

I don't know if the comments on breaking down posts into segments when responding to a post with multiple points was an allusion to me, so my comment on the issue was just as much in a general sense. When multiple points are made across a single post, I deal with each one in succession as I work through the post. There's no intent to come across as "the smartest" guy in the room — though I have been accused of such by others in the past.

In my experience, such accusations do not constitute valid counterpoint. They are attacks on my personality — seemingly in response to me going deeper into an issue than is comfortable for others. That makes me neither smarter nor antisocial. If anything, I'd say that the accusations are a projection of the accusers own frustration — cognitive dissonance ( or whatever ). In contrast, a good day for me is when someone proves me wrong.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
I like both of your posts! I tend to write in big walls because I don't have a lot of editing energy. A lot of folks run things through Word or AI first. I'm just a tired old ape, and I am happy if I can just type things in here. I'd like to see the UFO truth come out, but I am not holding my breath. I think we can learn about it without help from the government; to heck with what they know and their secrecy. I learn more from talking with others with experiences, and learning about the history of it through historic accounts. Powering up to head back to Planet Nine, now.

Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
I know I am not the best writer but in all the thousands of posts I have made here no one has made any comment about it whatsoever with two exceptions.

One was TRM and he was just a condescending a*****e with a burning need to prove he's the smartest man in the room. He may well have been but was missing the obvious - start believing your own bullshit and there's a problem.

The other is you Randall.

TRM was, hands down, the smartest man in the room all of the time,

Anybody who can learn General Relativity to the extent he learned it and even write a paper about it, is damn smart.


tall, thin, irritable
I've actually made no specific mention of your posts being irritating in any way. I have however commented on them being ones I like to check out, and that it was nice to cross paths with you again here on AE. I'm sure that if you go back and review, you'll find this to be true — even when we have disagreed on an issue e.g. the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. As profoundly hard line as I think it is, my response was as fair minded as could be expected.

I don't know if the comments on breaking down posts into segments when responding to a post with multiple points was an allusion to me, so my comment on the issue was just as much in a general sense. When multiple points are made across a single post, I deal with each one in succession as I work through the post. There's no intent to come across as "the smartest" guy in the room — though I have been accused of such by others in the past.

In my experience, such accusations do not constitute valid counterpoint. They are attacks on my personality — seemingly in response to me going deeper into an issue than is comfortable for others. That makes me neither smarter nor antisocial. If anything, I'd say that the accusations are a projection of the accusers own frustration — cognitive dissonance ( or whatever ). In contrast, a good day for me is when someone proves me wrong.

This isn't about right or wrong.

I mention TRM because in all the posts I've made here, including those that have gone back and forth over some point, the only other person who diced up posts like that to date has been you. I haven't alluded to anything I came right out and said I didn't care for that sort of thing. He created problems here, right here at AE that I happen to really like a lot. Your arrival here bears striking similarity to his and I thought 'here we go again.'

Now, I am usually one to play Devil's Advocate and so perhaps I am guilty of being overly sensitive or misinterpreting or just having a stick up my ass. Being tall, thin and irritable is an accurate description of me.

So tell you what, let's just go back to the UFOs and Sasquatch and all the other stuff.


tall, thin, irritable
TRM was, hands down, the smartest man in the room all of the time,

Anybody who can learn General Relativity to the extent he learned it and even write a paper about it, is damn smart.
True but there were some evident personality issues. He's dead, as long as he stays that way I feel no further need to bandy him around, I was just making a point.

J Randall Murphy

Trying To Stay Awake
This isn't about right or wrong.

I mention TRM because in all the posts I've made here, including those that have gone back and forth over some point, the only other person who diced up posts like that to date has been you. I haven't alluded to anything I came right out and said I didn't care for that sort of thing. He created problems here, right here at AE that I happen to really like a lot. Your arrival here bears striking similarity to his and I thought 'here we go again.'

Now, I am usually one to play Devil's Advocate and so perhaps I am guilty of being overly sensitive or misinterpreting or just having a stick up my ass. Being tall, thin and irritable is an accurate description of me.

So tell you what, let's just go back to the UFOs and Sasquatch and all the other stuff.

I really appreciate your feedback, and I certainly don't want my presence here to be a drag on anyone. To avoid that, this sort of communication is valuable. This is one of those examples of how something can be interpreted in polar opposite ways. For me, that situation represents an opportunity to possibly learn something new — even if it's just how to better communicate.

With the sort of "dicing" of posts ( as you call it ), the idea from my perspective is to address separate issues in an orderly way that lets the poster know that I actually took the time to read their post, consider their points, and respond to each of them. From my perspective that indicates a level of respect and thought, whereas ignoring them or saying nothing or "ya whatever" does exactly the opposite.

Sometimes people would just as soon "agree to disagree" — but I'm just not one of them. Where there is disagreement, there is something to be learned, and those who understand the spirit of the Socratic Method, don't take it personally — they see it as an opportunity to explore and grow. Here, there is no "teacher" in the process, but we can put ourselves into that role on an equal level.


As Above So Below
I tend to write in big walls because I don't have a lot of editing energy. A lot of folks run things through Word or AI first.

Your posts are always enjoyable and easy to read, at another forum many many moons ago there was a guy who wrote very informative posts but he would use one paragraph to write a huge block of text...I would end up copying his post and put it in word and break the post up into paragraphs just so I could read it better lol...
