News Clips


WTF? We are not a minority.

Prime Minster of Canada says he's using "Loophole" in Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.



That's the problem with socialist democracies, when they extent that socialist style ruling part to get their way over the people whom elected them...The US is quickly moving to this degree of authoritarian rule as long as the radical left is in control of the legislative and executive branches and the reason why they wish to pack the supreme court with far leftist radicals...As @AD1184 pointed out, western nations are quickly becoming ungovernable and this is what power hungry dictators want, imbalances and divisions to further extent their grip on power while the citizens are distracted...


Yep. I mentioned this in the wars and rumors of war thread a while back. I posted a video of Dave Chappelle and how he talks about leaders and the way they distract us so they can quietly deal with some other issues and then before we know it, it is too late because it has already been implemented. This tactic did not just start with the pandemic. It has been around since time began. We need to pay attention.

We need to act now and not just Canadians. This is going to happen to everyone.

cosmic joke

From what I read the vast majority of vaccinated truck drivers kept on trucking along as best they could. But agreed, while not totally accurate, thats a fun cartoon.