Rate the last movie you've seen


tall, thin, irritable
We're watching this now. Not easy to do as the dialogue - everything - are from a different and increasingly alien time. But, this is the prototype for movies like Airport and Towering Inferno and Posidon Adventure. The story structure's the same.

Robert Stack's the pilot. I read when he did Airplane! he was parodying himself :)



tall, thin, irritable
I watched a little of Bride of Frankenstein last night and was really enjoying it, but had to hit the hay. Early day. Good movie by itself - you watch that and you instantly see Gene Hackman's scene in Young Frankenstein. He nailed it. But this is about Svengoolie, who adds flavor to any movie like that. I thought he was only regional and while not a dedicated fan he's been a fixture on TV for years.

Anybody ever heard of this guy?



tall, thin, irritable
I don't know why but I've never seen any of the Mission Impossible movies - until now. We put the latest one on the other night in 85" of UHD with the sound system rattling the pictures on the walls. The plots can be Byzantine but we enjoyed the hell out of this one, they're quite the ride. 9/10 just because it's a tad hard to follow in spots.



tall, thin, irritable
.... so we had to watch the previous one and yup.... the theme music, the presentation are all fantastic. Again, a bit hard to follow and there are some recognizable plot devices on repeat but we love it/ 9/10. I think we'll have to go back and start at the beginning though, it's a bit confusing.


tall, thin, irritable
Yeah, that's Superman in both of them and Henry Cavill does a good job. A geek note, SiG must've had the contract to supply props or something on Fallout. Dead Reckoning opens and shows us that Ethan Hunt is carry his trusty 1911A! .45. I get a kick out of that - still solving problems after all these years. My wife and I both get a kick out of watching a man our age do all that stuff - and he does. Might be a kook in real life but he makes a nice product


As Above So Below
I recently enjoyed this little Pearl of a movie — not usually my genre, but having seen it, I don't hesitate to recommend it !

Pearl is the prequel movie to X (2022), my wife and I agree both movies are fantastic for their genre, and these two movies are actually part of a Trilogy...I heard the third movie is coming out later this year and its called MaXXXine...I recommend you watch X...q37

Here's a trailer for X:

View: https://youtu.be/Awg3cWuHfoc?si=j_x-dK5TICdlebii

X Film Series:

Here's a teaser trailer for MaXXXine:

View: https://youtu.be/sgTY6CniKVc?si=xkQ1LEQvZqllm9Q-



As Above So Below
We've been thinking about a Lord of the Rings marathon one weekend day...Probably not the extended editions though but maybe lol...





tall, thin, irritable
.... I heard someone review one of the films and he said 'even the trees talk in this .....'

They seem interesting by my attention span is far too limited for all that


tall, thin, irritable
Watched MI3 last night, not a bad movie. It set the formula for the next several which are just variations on a theme, but entertaining ones.
I didn't care for MI1 because I was a fan of the original series and didn't like the treatment they gave the original iconic leader of the IMF. I never suspected I'd ever be using this phrase but MI2 was 'toxic masculinity' and too over the top Cruise-ish, with some Emilio Estevez on the side. It brings you right back to the 90s and there are some things in there that wouldn't fly today.

But we liked this one

J Randall Murphy

Trying To Stay Awake
Avatar — The Way Of Water


Notwithstanding almost anything with Adam Sandler ( Happy Gilmore excluded ), Avatar The Way Of Water is possibly the worst movie of all time — until you start thinking about it as something other than weakly veiled social commentary on the state of the real world. For example, those who are familiar with UNDRIP will need a barf bag to get through this one.

The shadow

The shadow knows!
Slimers back So are mini staypuffs. Bill Murray barley can act any more. It's slow ponderous and I was somewhat amused .
The kids thought it was meh.
It was so so

The shadow

The shadow knows!
Get him! Bite him!
Kick his #$&_ a$$
Get him Godzilla ! Kill him! : my two boys
This is a fun movie it's a wall to wall monster brawl we have Godzilla who absorbs so much radiation that he turns violet!
King Kong and a tribe of kings.
I forgot the blah Ghostbusters for mindless monster fun. And Godzilla sleeping in the coliseum is worth the price of admission

The shadow

The shadow knows!
MV5BNGZhMzc0YjYtYzgxMS00NzIwLThkNzktMzFjNjQ3MjMyZGJiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTY3ODkyNDkz._V1_.jpg.after selling nearly 300 box's of cookies we treated Samantha to this fun movie. A fun joy filled with omp that was free of woke nonsense. Samantha her friend Maria and her mom all enjoyed it. And even this old bear liked it


tall, thin, irritable
I always liked the Blue Brothers a lot, definitely a classic, but for some reason got interested in the back story and picked up this

Turned out to be a quick, easy enjoyable read that served to make me enjoy the movie that much more. The back story on some of the famous names involved is interesting and I'd add the Chicago filming to the list of things to visit in my time machine. Personally, I'd like to take a 1974 Dodge Monaco back with me. They wouldn't miss just one, would they? Would it risk The Mopar Effect?

Of course I give it a 10/10


tall, thin, irritable
We watched Zero Hour! last night for a specific reason - for one line.

What a great bad old movie ! Or should that be !! because it already has one ! ?

The life of everyone on board depends upon just one thing: finding someone back there who can not only fly this plane, but who didn't have fish for dinner.

Right now I am reading this:

As you might expect it's hilarious. What I didn't know is that they so totally plagiarized Zero Hour! they had to buy the rights to it from the studio. At the time they were young kids with no clue and it turned out the framework they built on. There are literally lines directly copied. So much of Airplane! is from that movie (including the exclamation point) we were rolling around laughing our asses off watching it despite it being a drama. Including who had fish for dinner.

Zero Hour! is well worth watching for fun. No idea how to rate it.
