If anyone of the North American continent wakes up tomorrow and finds a mile high glacier in their back yard that one is on me, sorry.
I pulled my snow thrower up into the garage which will undoubtedly cause another Ice Age. Never even needed it last year and it's a roll of the dice yet as to what we'll get but it'll be something other than nothing.
I cleaned up the property yesterday, blew all the leaves away, mowed and trimmed it all, drained all the fuel and oil out of the machines and pressure washed all the gunk and grass off of them - which is why I make them last so long. They rarely die from engine failure it's the decks that rot. No wonder I konked out for almost twelve hours straight.
Incidentally, this is probably a repeat but when my gas leaf blower died I replaced it with this. The price has gone up 25% or more in the last couple of years - Go Brandon - but this thing is absolutely hands down the most powerful blower short of a commercial backpack I have ever seen and it's super light weight. Electric Tyhoon.
PowerJet F700