You hate it when:

Rick Hunter

.... when I have to go to a car dealership for any reason whatsoever. Last year we had to replace my wife's car and we found a great deal on a '21 Forester with only 11K miles on it. She really likes Foresters and they're great cars, but that dealer actually wasn't human and they were provably reptilian. Now they're in a new location under new management and when I look at how futuristic and fancy it is I know who's paying for all that.

Yesterday was an annual tire rotation and oil change - because I actually read the maintenance information the manufacturer conveniently provides in the glove box - the one nobody ever bothers with. The thing only needs what it needs and the dealer - all of them - notoriously upsells all sorts of unnecessary expensive crapola. Why would a car with 15K miles on it need a new air filter and fuel system flush ? Has it been operating in a quarry or coal mine or something? But, it's under warranty until 2026 so I'll have to hold my nose and deal with them. Swine.

I don't miss that nonsense at all. Take away the routine maintenance services a vehicle can actually benefit from and replace them with high margin bullshit that the tech gets less flat rate labor for. I felt horrible trying to upsell that stuff. But, they've got it set to where you won't get a billed hour for every hour you spend working if you don't. To hell with that!


tall, thin, irritable
I hate it when you put your garbage cans out and the company don't come like they're supposed to - apparently delayed one day due to the snow. Understandable.

But sitting out there and extra day means that the high winds last night knocked over the recycle bin and spewed its contents all over the front. So, I am sick today with a bad cold, my busted toe is clanging at level 10 and I just spent some time slipping and sliding in the ice and snow to clean that all up .......

..... to find they already went through and won't betaking it. It's full, so I guess my recyclables this coming week will all be bagged and toosed in the regular garbage. Been a customer with them since 1997 and they are a monopoly around here - will they come and get it if I ask? **** no.

I am one crabby bastard today.


tall, thin, irritable
Since you were all on the edge of your seats holding your breath - we left the office a message and they sent the truck through the whole neighborhood again. I've been a customer since '97 and that's what I wanted. This morning however, Dr.Bruce Banner would've Hulked-out


I hate it when you put your garbage cans out and the company don't come like they're supposed to - apparently delayed one day due to the snow. Understandable.

But sitting out there and extra day means that the high winds last night knocked over the recycle bin and spewed its contents all over the front. So, I am sick today with a bad cold, my busted toe is clanging at level 10 and I just spent some time slipping and sliding in the ice and snow to clean that all up .......

..... to find they already went through and won't betaking it. It's full, so I guess my recyclables this coming week will all be bagged and toosed in the regular garbage. Been a customer with them since 1997 and they are a monopoly around here - will they come and get it if I ask? **** no.

I am one crabby bastard today.
Does the garbage company not post delays on their website?


tall, thin, irritable
Does the garbage company not post delays on their website?
Generally yes but in this case, no. Highly unusual to miss pickup and obviously we weren't the only ones who called.

In the past the trucks had crews so if someone's cans spilled over they'd pick them up. Several years ago my regular garbage cans went away and they provided two enormous wheeled containers. Now its a fancy truck with one guy in it and a mechanical claw that picks the container up and dumps it in back. Pretty slick machine that eliminated quite a number of jobs. Perhaps those men became 'coders' like mine workers :rolleyes:

When I wanted to get rid of something they shouldn't take I'd just wait for the truck to come up the road and leave a case of beer on whatever it was. I assume the claw has some sort of weight limit, a clutch of some kind, but I've never found it and have disposed of all sorts of things. No need to bribe the claw.

J Randall Murphy

Trying To Stay Awake
I try really hard to avoid using that word. Instead I use the word "love" — sarcastically, e.g. "Don't you just love Trudeau's sanctimonious condescending attitude toward Canadians."


When we had snow last Tuesday that put the garbage pickup back a day. Our pickup up day is Friday. With Presidents’ Day is today(Monday). We hope that Tuesday is our day. We don’t like leaving our cans out for numerous days hoping the garbage people will arrive.


tall, thin, irritable
When we had snow last Tuesday that put the garbage pickup back a day. Our pickup up day is Friday. With Presidents’ Day is today(Monday). We hope that Tuesday is our day. We don’t like leaving our cans out for numerous days hoping the garbage people will arrive.
garbage calculus .......


I hate it when you put your garbage cans out and the company don't come like they're supposed to - apparently delayed one day due to the snow. Understandable.

But sitting out there and extra day means that the high winds last night knocked over the recycle bin and spewed its contents all over the front. So, I am sick today with a bad cold, my busted toe is clanging at level 10 and I just spent some time slipping and sliding in the ice and snow to clean that all up .......

..... to find they already went through and won't betaking it. It's full, so I guess my recyclables this coming week will all be bagged and toosed in the regular garbage. Been a customer with them since 1997 and they are a monopoly around here - will they come and get it if I ask? **** no.

I am one crabby bastard today.

I hate the snow!


tall, thin, irritable
I really hate it when I get my old classic car back from a simple inspection and alignment and find a near invisible two inch razor slice in the door panel armrest.

Strangely, especially to me, I can't bring myself to get worked up about it. I'm not going to say anything to them as that's pointless and I just don't have the energy. It isn't a showpiece and will be replaced eventually but still .....


tall, thin, irritable

Some guys I know would go into mourning over this. I have no choice but to file this little experience away like J Edgar Hoover. The shop has its uses although they are diminishing and to be fair it might've been a simple mistake they guy didn't notice. But he was standing right there with a razor scraper removing the old sticker .......................

This is why I prefer drivers to showpieces.


As Above So Below

I hate it when the freaking CAPTCHA is going bonkers and makes me click on those silly little picture boxes for over FIVE FRAKING MINUTES...I mean come on now, why must humans prove they are not robots when its the robots who should be proving they are not human!...

Ah, that's better...


J Randall Murphy

Trying To Stay Awake
. . . . when its the robots who should be proving they are not human!...

So true.

As I concluded my shopping at the local supermarket, the self-pay machine said, "Thank you for using self-checkout".
For the first time, this struck me as a rather odd thing to say.
After all, when we go through a regular cashier, they don't say — "Thank you for using a human checkout."
We're being subtly conditioned to become subservient to machines.

The shadow

The shadow knows!
When you learn your 13 year old has invited a girl from SCA to the holloween mixer. And she accepted via his Facebook page.
I also read .
"They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that's true every time I kiss you. "
So you kissed her more than once? Love of your life? Inquiring dads need to know


tall, thin, irritable
I really hate it when .... I have any dealings whatsoever with Verizon.

The process simply to purchase a new phone has a fault somewhere. I paid for it outright and was told it'll arrive tomorrow. Well, I already knew it'll be a couple of weeks out so I wasn't seriously expecting it that fast but I was pissed to discover they broke it the payment and applied it to my monthly bill instead - even though I have a receipt stating otherwise.

So now I have to wait for the phone, wait one billing cycle and then get back on with them to actually pay for the goddamned thing. I am paying attention, I didn't 'miss a button somewhere' as I have a receipt ..... might as well just yell that out the window :mad:


My cell phone is no longer working due to VZ upgrades. Verizon did an upgrade on my phone 1 1/2 months ago. When I tried to access my phone it was no longer working. My phone is rather ancient and that upgrade won’t allow me to phone or text. I put off buying a new phone. I found out I didn’t miss it as much as I thought. I am just waiting for my wife to shuttle my bottom up to Best Buy shortly.

J Randall Murphy

Trying To Stay Awake
You hate it when — due to forces beyond your control, it turns out that you've become an anti-science, transphobic, right-wing extremist.