I actually remember nothing - literally blank pages.
My grandfather worked for Western Publishing as a lithographer for 40+ years. He took us to the plant in Poughkeepsie a few times and as far as I know, that's where they printed Golden Key comics and a number of other kid's books like Scratch and Sniff. I only remember enormous machines and mountains of stuff and our next door neighbor's wooden leg. He fell into a machine and as the story goes it was the Roosevelts that bought him the prosthesis. Gramp would bring home reams of folded but unprinted unstapled comic book paper that I would scribble all over. Still have some around here somewhere. I remember that very clearly not the comics themselves.
The roof of our old horse barn was tin, and when you got up there to do kid stuff you could see it must've been part of the process, there was a readable encyclopedia printed on the tin in mirror image.