Old Encounters

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
This one has no date or provenance. What paper did it come from and what was the date.

I did hear a story about white sands. In the 80's when my friend lived in Alamogordo and I lived in Las Cruces we had to travel the road that went through the proving grounds. The roads would sometimes be closed because of testing. Her friend was going to school in Las Cruces and late one night when he was driving home for the weekend he came upon a huge semi truck hauling something in a flat bed being escorted by military. Everything was in blackout, no lights, black vehicles, black uniforms and the item on the flatbed was covered with a black tarp but had a very weird shape. They were very disturbed that this guy was on the road. He must have gone by the road block just before it was set up. He felt threatened and curious to know what was under that tarp and why they were in complete blackout.
Very interesting! That article about White Sands I have forgotten the date on, but I think it was the '60s. It actually is the same event that was in the new documentary by James Fox --he had the audio from the National Archives of a military official discussing it --I have posted that a number of times before, but now would have to dig it up. Before that --during missile tests at White Sands --all kinds of UFOs were seen, including small discs flying up the sides of missiles and flying ahead of them out into space. They were seen by many ground observers, too. So many UFOs were seen that they stopped reporting them, iirc. If you go through the old articles here:
You will find those..
General McLoughlin, (iirc), was the person who reported that the discs had been seen and also by 16(?) independent ground observations stations, too.
His son came out recently and said that when he was alive he mentioned UFOs to him and McLoughlin told him he might have tested some piece of the Roswell debris; it was an indestructible metallic mesh-like piece --McLoughlin said he said he wasn't told of the provenance, but it might have come from Roswell. You can Google it, and it should come up.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
I really appreciate that my friend.
Very informative.
You bet! My pleasure! :)
I have just discovered (yesterday) another corroborative sighting for my own experience which I will post later. I've also created a couple of renderings.


Very interesting! That article about White Sands I have forgotten the date on, but I think it was the '60s. It actually is the same event that was in the new documentary by James Fox --he had the audio from the National Archives of a military official discussing it --I have posted that a number of times before, but now would have to dig it up. Before that --during missile tests at White Sands --all kinds of UFOs were seen, including small discs flying up the sides of missiles and flying ahead of them out into space. They were seen by many ground observers, too. So many UFOs were seen that they stopped reporting them, iirc. If you go through the old articles here:
You will find those..
General McLoughlin, (iirc), was the person who reported that the discs had been seen and also by 16(?) independent ground observations stations, too.
His son came out recently and said that when he was alive he mentioned UFOs to him and McLoughlin told him he might have tested some piece of the Roswell debris; it was an indestructible metallic mesh-like piece --McLoughlin said he said he wasn't told of the provenance, but it might have come from Roswell. You can Google it, and it should come up.
The White Sands area is where I first started seeing UAP's/UFOs.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
I felt compelled to rejoin newpapers.com again and ran into this.
I LOVE it. Excellent UFO sighting from 1898. AMAZING.
Spokane Chronicle (Spokane, Washington) 08 Oct 1898, Sat. Page 2
'Twas a Sternenschiff!
Substitute "UFO" for "Air-ship". Same thing.


karl 12

Do you have any clippings of UFOs hanging around military bases or missile silos?

This truly is a marvellous thread.

There are some relevant newsclippings (and government documents) from the UFO incursions into the restricted airspace over Minot AFB in 1966, 1967 and 1968 so will find them and post them.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
This is an amazing traumatizing encounter with a small UFO...
Probably surveilling base, as they have been doing for so long.

San Bernardino Sun, 1 July 1972

Voice of the People
UFOJs Return - Swooping and Swishing .
Because so many OTHER people saw this strange "thing" late Saturday night and early Sunday June 13, this small mention of it in The Sun puzzles me greatly. George Airmen Sight a Bright Orange Object GEORGE AFB Two airmen verified each otehr's report yesterday of seeing a "bright orange object" about 1 a.m. that seemed to be 375 feet in diameter as it sank behind a building southwest of their security-police beat at this base. The airmen, Gary Corley and Randolph Wogoman, said the L'FOf (unidentified flying object) sighting apparently went unobserved by anyone eise. They reported it to the air police, and to the Victorville Sheriff's Office and Adelanto Police Department. No evidence was fonnd of the object having landed, it was reported by the base information office. Our party of three stopped at the Scene of a minor accident around 11:30 p.m., Sunday, to find approximately 30 other people far more interested in watching this strange, circular, "whatever-it-was" moving quickly about In the sky above us, changing from bluish-white in color, at higher altitude, then to a weird orange-yellow as it, came down into the smog-filled lower atmosphere. One man in this mixed group of spectators told us that he had been tolde several times, by Air Force personnel, that the "thing" he had seen before was a highly-secret "craft" and he should not talk it over with others who have also seen it. Three U.S. airmen, in uniform, who claimed to be from Air Base in Nevada, (on official leave, we supposed) said they would surely know about, such craft, even though they might be under orders to remain silent about it, but they were as mystified as the rest of us. The thing that sickens me about this entire deal is the harm I saw in what it had done to one family on the preceding Saturday night. (The family of four whose pickup camper and trailer had run off of the dirt road where the 30 or more of us were assembled.) I talked with the two almost-hysterical girls, one 9, the other 11, and learned that the "thing" had hovered around their family's rather isolated campsite the night before for more than three hours, hurting their ears with its strange whirring sound each time it. ascended from "almost on top of us" as "a big round orange-colored thing" which became, a second later, "just a big bright-blue dot high in the sky." The still-frightened girls told me their story between the several "dtps" this "craft" made over us while several strong men moved boulders and pushed the camper and trailer out of the ditch. Each time the "thing" seemed to move in on us, as though exploring the various automobile lights and flashlights trained on the repair job, the two little girls would cover their ears and throw themselves at their mother's feet, sobbing, while I tried to assure both the mother and the girls that there was bound to be a logical explanation
Because so many OTHER people saw this strange "thing" late Saturday night and early Sunday June 13, this small mention of it in The Sun puzzles me greatly. George Airmen Sight a Bright Orange Object GEORGE AFB Two airmen verified each otehr's report yesterday of seeing a "bright orange object" about 1 a.m. that seemed to be 375 feet in diameter as it sank behind a building southwest of their security-police beat at this base. The airmen, Gary Corley and Randolph Wogoman, said the L'FOf (unidentified flying object) sighting apparently went unobserved by anyone eise. They reported it to the air police, and to the Victorville Sheriff's Office and Adelanto Police Department. No evidence was fonnd of the object having landed, it was reported by the base information office.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Cigar-shaped UFO from airship days. I have a second daylight sighting with same description (no basket etc.) from farmers = post later. Possibly a meteor..

Hartford Courant
16 Oct 1906, Tue
img (63) (1)_1.jpeg .


As Above So Below


As Above So Below

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Here is an old illustration of a large rectangular UFO that approached a city (17th century?), was glowing at one end, hovered over the city for a period then gradually took off and went up, up and away. I got this picture from an old blog that described the event --the blog and any other versions of the illustration and account are totally missing from the Internet now...


The shadow

The shadow knows!
To me no old UFO sighting compares to the 1561 numburg sighting. brass rods and silver balls battled over the city. Followed by a large black arrow. Several of the balls fall from the sky in fire and ruin. Great explosions were heard as they fell. The population hid in the town church. It was well documented and great fear gripped the population.
Himmelserscheinung_über_Nürnberg_vom_14._April_1561 (1).jpg
In this close up of a wood carving one can see the fallen siver balls great smoke rises from the crash.

The shadow

The shadow knows!
But it was not the end of the fighting. A second war this time lasting days
The event is reported to have taken place in Basel, Switzerland in 1566. According to Samuel Coccius, on 27-28 July and 7 August, many local witnesses in Basel reported seeing three celestial phenomena.
This was again silver and black balls warring in the sky many were seen on fire and explode "into nothing"
LinkSeltsame_Gestalt_so_in_disem_MDLXVI_Jar (1).jpg

The shadow

The shadow knows!
images (33).jpegf1cagaf9pl631.jpg
Some think that the two events were sundogs. These are photos of sundogs.
How could a Sundog created a massive black arrow?
Or silver balls that crashed burned and exploded?
Or create an event described as "war in heaven?"
Finally the effect on the population.
We have many hiding in fear expected the end of the world or the wraith of God.
Last it takes special conditions to make a Sundog. The event in Switzerland lasted DAYS. No sundog ever happened back to back...
Last edited:

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
I finally had a chance to start reading Strange Company last night, for a bit:

Pigfarmer has already read it, iirc. I discovered SOMETHING AMAZING --right up there with the Woonsocket/Cocoyoc/Yorba Linda objects' relationship.

On page 14, I ran into a sighting from 1935, in Pittsburgh, PA. by a fifteen-year Navy veteran and his wife. The description of the object matches pretty much EXACTLY one of the objects seen two years earlier during the '33 Everest ascent; two objects were seen over the North Ridge and the observer even put himself through a series of mental tests to make sure he was not hallucinating.

The two objects seen during '33 Everest ascent:
https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/159645557?searchTerm=strange AND
One of the objects had a "protuberance suggestive of a beak" at one end, and on the other end, projections like stabilizers (fins) are at the other end of one of the objects, and they are described as looking similar to "kite balloons", i.e. long and cylindrical with one end tending to taper and the other more rounded. The objects apparently pulsated with some kind of internal light.
"A strange mist came up and concealed the objects and when it cleared, the objects were gone."

The object seen in '35 in PA:
At first the object appeared like a sword-shaped light in the sky, stationary and titled at an angle, but gradually resolved into an object that was solid and surrounded by a weird glow. It resembled a modern-day jet airliner without wings (a kite-balloon!). And, it seemed "slightly tapered" at one end, and the tapered end had "fin-like" protrusions on each side, similar to "stabilizers on conventional aircraft". And "assuming that the end" with the fin-like horizontal projections was the tail, "the front end pointed toward the ground at a 45 degree angle". The couple watched the object for some time,
"until a cloud passed in front of it, momentarily obstructing their view, and when the cloud moved, the object was gone."

There is no question in my mind that the sightings were of the same object. One of the objects seen during the '33 Everest ascent, WAS the same one seen two years later in PA....

I will do a little drawing later based on the descriptions.


Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Here is little pencil and ballpoint sketch of the object in the accounts above.
One can see how it could look like a bright sword if it was glowing and at more of an angle.
