Old Encounters

The shadow

The shadow knows!
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This is held up by some as a UFO sighting.
On the surface they looked like craft.
But there is no contex. No documentation. A small study of painting of this time frame and we see the truth. m300.003ra.jpg
Note in the same corners...
It's clear.. as much as we would like it's the sun and the moon..

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
To me no old UFO sighting compares to the 1561 numburg sighting. brass rods and silver balls battled over the city. Followed by a large black arrow. Several of the balls fall from the sky in fire and ruin. Great explosions were heard as they fell. The population hid in the town church. It was well documented and great fear gripped the population.
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In this close up of a wood carving one can see the fallen siver balls great smoke rises from the crash.
I have a theory about this and the other mass sighting from 1561; I think they are the same objects as the Farmington Objects, just coming back around again. I actually think it is possible that the round objects were generated like von Neumann probes, some of which malfunctioned or had some other issue and burnt on the ground.
The movements of the 1561 objects and those at Farmington in 1950 are too similar to ignore:
Farmington UFO Armada: possibly the largest UFO event you’ve never heard about – Mystery Wire

“All these square-looking formations in the sky. They were made up of dots, and the dots would shift from one formation to another,” Riggs said during a presentation at the New Mexico Chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. “The first day there were a few, the second day there were too many to count and the third day, there were maybe 30 or 40 of them left.”

One of the teachers cried as the discs hovered above, Riggs said. But, as disconcerting as the adults found it, he and the other children didn’t feel threatened.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
On left: Police officer's photo of UFO, taken in WI in 1978, just flipped horizontally:
Police officer observes and photographs disc in Colfax, Wisconsin

On Right: Photo of one of the objects over the stadium in Florence, taken in 1954:
The day UFOs stopped play

Freaking Identical.

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These are great pics of the same object or exactly same type of object taken over a decade apart by different people.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
I just happened across one of the BEST articles I found when I was compiling articles from the old newspapers. I had posted it on Historum, but had lost it there for a long time... It is AWESOME!! And, I don't believe is known to the UFO researchers. Imagine if footage of this was released to the public! Here is the transcription:

"I can offer no explanation as to the strange light seen at (?, Australia) by C.H.F. and a friend on the night of September 4. They were passing through the bush at about a quarter past 11 pm, when a light, which suggested the glare of a searchlight fell around them. It shone on the ground for about four (seconds), and then moved up in the sky out of sight. The band of light seemed to be about half a chain wide (33'). It was starlight at the time with no sign of lightning.
From Stalker, in the Otway Ranges, "calcium" noticed somewhat similar lights very high in the northeastern sky, on September 1 or 8. The impression given being of a torpedo shaped light moving southward with a shaft of light extending from the horizon toward it. The writer assumes them to be artificial lights, but is puzzled as to their origin."

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Fri 24 Sep 1920, Page 5


Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
So.. We have identical objects described 62 years apart! Zero chance of these being Chinese drones :cool:
Just like we have cigar-shaped UFOs and spherical metallic UFOs and disc-shaped objects reported many years apart. Wonderful!

The shadow

The shadow knows!
So.. We have identical objects described 62 years apart! Zero chance of these being Chinese drones :cool:
Just like we have cigar-shaped UFOs and spherical metallic UFOs and disc-shaped objects reported many years apart. Wonderful!
I am a skeptic . For years I clung to the belief that the craft I saw in 98 was ours. But the sighting my pal Matt had changed that. There is no possibility that what he saw was any thing other than a craft from another world. This brings me to see that most of what is going on is alien in origin .

The shadow

The shadow knows!
Like the trent UFO this one has been analyzed down to the pixel. I'm satisfied this is the real deal.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Unfortunately UFOs tend to be pretty simple in their forms and thus are easy targets for skeptics who want to suggest that they are misidentified mundane objects. Skeptics also like to suggest that the shapes have changed over time, based on popular culture. The shapes have changed a bit, but not much --and most of the uptick in triangle sightings could also just be because of more misidentified jets and secret aircraft that are in the air these days. Have a look, discs are still here:

Many UFOs seem to be made of, or have a component to them, that appears to be some sort of metallic fabric or metamaterial. Many appear to be very similar looking to metallic balloons. There are many examples of this.
Two of my favorites. The Woonsocket saucer (the second one photographed <in my avatar> also has the Cocoyoc module in it which appears to be made of such material). Makes perfect sense, too. Sending devices that could have collapsed, stacked, self-propelled, metamaterial balloons that could be inflated and released, would save much space; the ideal form for future probes for us, if we could ever develop such a technology.
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The shadow

The shadow knows!
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Rouen UFO Photograph of 1954
23581937-standard.jpgtrent UFO is it a copy? Or the same thing seen at different times?

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
View attachment 17120
Rouen UFO Photograph of 1954
View attachment 17121trent UFO is it a copy? Or the same thing seen at different times?
The (Rouen) photo's elusive background details, coupled with the fact that neither the source nor the photographic negative have ever been traced, has led many UFO researchers to doubt the photo's authenticity, or to reject its validity altogether. A predisposing factor in the debate has been its evident similarity with the earlier McMinnville disk photo, an aspect noted by many writers and researchers over the years. In an unpublished paper in 1990, CUFOS investigator Dr Willy Smith stated his belief that the McMinnville and Rouen photos "are one and the same, i.e. the Rouen photo ... is only a copy, many generations removed, of the Trent photo" (cited in the above Fotocat report).

However, American UFO researcher Bruce Maccabee, who has spent many years studying the McMinnville photos, believes that "the orientation [of the two objects] in 3-D space is different, i.e., the object in the Rouen photo is rotated somewhat from the orientation in Trent #2". If this is genuinely the case, it follows that the Rouen photo cannot simply be a copy of the Trent photo (Maccabee's discussion of the Rouen photo forms part of his McMinnville photos analysis; see section entitled 'The Rouen Photo').

A further discussion of the photo (Nov 2004) appears as part of NICAP's Rouen UFO photo case directory."


Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Military and government certainly know UFOs are real and not ours. They have known it for a long time. What is happening now is an attempt to buy more time.
