The Lounge


tall, thin, irritable
I just happen to be out back yesterday afternoon when clear as a bell I heard what must've been a truly epic fight break out. Many raised voices, much profanity and what sounded like dishes crashing. Couldn't quite tell from which house but maybe later I'll drive through the neighborhood and look for crime scene tape.

Ahhh. Holidays are all about family, eh?


After 25 years of living in this house i always thought the 3 pecan trees were native pecans. Not worth the trouble cause they always looked bad. Well couple years ago we had all 3 trees trimmed and pruned cost me $1500. This year the trees are filled with pecans and i was checking them out, the trees are paper shell pecan. So i guess i ought to get there and pick them up, something close to $40 a 5 gallon bucket full.


tall, thin, irritable
Once in a while you catch a company doing something well.

Pardon me for the old-manishness but my feet are definitely not Happy Feet. I've got a bunion on my right foot that literally causes me agony. The reason I mention these folks is they have very and very wide sizes and the products are quality. I just put on a pair of waterproof low hiking boots in 12EEEE and they are as comfortable as the slippers I took off to do it. In the past I had to resort to much larger sizes to even get my foot to fit into it which brings up other issues. These folks are worth a look if you need decent shoes and they are not expensive.

Orthotic Comfort Shoes & Orthopedic Footwear | Orthofeet


This pic i found on my phone one morning i went to pick it up and it was on camera, and this pic was there. it was a while back. it still looks weird to me


As Above So Below
Happy New Year...Hope 2024 will be a fine year for all of us...


Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Happy New Year to you all! I stop by and read the new posts here pretty regularly. Looks like things are heating up! Perhaps 2024 will be the year...


As Above So Below



As Above So Below
What are three topics you can talk about for 30 minutes with zero preparation?...



As Above So Below
"In my 30s, I exercised to look good. In my 50s to stay fit. In my 70s to stay ambulatory. In my 80s to avoid assisted living. Now in my 90s, I'm just doing it of pure defiance." - Dick Van Dyke




Hey y'all. Just throwing out a hello! I've been busy with my family and trying to keep my job. I hope everyone is well and doing good! Hopefully I will be around more as things are settling down. Love you all!

The shadow

The shadow knows!
Clear the road! My son Ian starts behind the wheel training the Monday! A big bur fearfulled step for him

The shadow

The shadow knows!
Samantha sold her 100th box of cookies earning her the cookie 100 badge! And pushing the troop over 500 box's sold . Top 10% cookie selling troop!

The shadow

The shadow knows!
Prom week! I was shocked and surprised to see Ian rented with his own funds a

Joseph & Feiss Black Notch Lapel Tux!​

Rental cost is $199.00 he looks every inch the man he is swiftly becoming. He dropped $59.00 on a rose corsage for Anna.
Meanwhile Chris is wearing his SCA. Nobles outfit (without sword) to his 7th grade prom. His date is "princess Ellen" a girl he like from school and SCA.
A weekend to remember for my boys

The shadow

The shadow knows!
Christopher took his date to the 7th grade prom last night. My boy is any thing but shy but Ellen made him nervous. I watched with Rikki as he navigated a real date. It was fun but he handled it well. Not his 1st date but it's good he is socializing and figuring out the ins and outs of dating.