I went to the Doc today for a yearly renewal of a pill i take. Got to talking to him about some of my ptsd issues and i forgot alot of that stuff is not on my records. And my doc dont know. Not even the 20 surgeries i had when i was 7 years old. Ya see when i was 17 i started having grand mall seizures and evaluated by a neurologist and treated, That he knows but the rest he dont i have bi-polar, borderline autistim, dyslexia and ptsd. and some reason when getting evaluated way back my neurologist asked if i had any missing time events and did a post hypnotic regression, thats when i found out i was abducted., the neurologist asked if i wanted on disabilty the rest of my life cause of all the issues i had not the abduction,or he could just mark down the epilepsy bit on record, if i didnt , and to make it easier for future jobs.. But anyway my doc today asked what tramatic event i had to get ptsd so i told him my last neurologist did a post hypnotic regression and found out i had been abducted. but i dont remember none of it. Think it scared him. I wish all that stuff was on record, or maybe not huh fk it, hope the white padded van dont show up lol